Videography & Media Transfers in Norwood, MA

A Division of Norwood Media Group

We can transfer/retrieve/extract media from most computers, laptops, hard drives, phones, etc. All services are performed in our office in Norwood MA, no outsourcing or shipping. Free estimates given before any work performed.

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The most common recovery/repairs we perform are as follows:

Data Transfer: Data Transfer is simply removing data (videos, photos, music, etc) from a working computer or laptop to an external drive, such as a USB Flash Drive.

Data Recovery: Data recovery is when your computer/laptop has failed for various reasons and you would like to recover the files. We have a high success rate of extracting files from damaged/faulty devices.

Computer Wipe & Reset: Computer Wipe & Reset is a good option for computers/laptops that contain no important data or software (or we have performed data Recovery) and you would like to “repurpose” as a “fresh” computer/laptop. This cleans the hard drive of any and all user files and installed software and computer/laptop is returned to its state as it came out of the box. an option if hardware has failed, such as the hard drive, updates to memory, hard drive size, etc. A free estimate is given pending clients requirements.

Upgrades & Repairs: Upgrades & Repairs is an option if hardware has failed, such as the hard drive, updates to memory, hard drive size, etc. A free estimate is given pending clients requirements.








